Licensure to Teach

Students can earn elementary (grades K - 5) or secondary licensure (grades 6 -12) within the Teaching and Learning track of the Educational Studies major. The licensure program prepares students to teach in either elementary schools or middle and/or high schools in one of thirteen endorsement areas: American Government, English, History, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Spanish, French, German, Latin, Russian, and Chinese. The course of study for secondary licensure students is designed with guidance from faculty members in the discipline in which the student is being certified as well as with faculty in the Educational Studies Program. All secondary licensure candidates are required to double major in Educational Studies and their endorsement discipline. Elementary licensure does not require a double major. Students who are interested in teacher licensure should contact our Teacher Licensure Coordinator in the early stages of the academic planning process. All licensure information including applications to the Rhodes College Teacher Licensure Program can be found on the program's website.

Licensure to teach is a function of state governments. Institutions and agencies that offer licensure are approved by their respective state departments and boards of education. Tennessee licensure is transferable to all 50 states; some states may require additional exams or content. A guide to certification reciprocity is available through Certification Map. Students wishing to teach in other states are advised to review the licensure requirements on the appropriate state's department of education website.

For information about teacher licensure, please contact Joseph Kelly at