Mathematics and Economics

A total of 14 courses (56 credits) as follows:

  1. Economics 100, 201, 202, 290, 407, 420.
  2. One course from Economics 305, 308, 310, 331, 343, 357, 412, 440.
  3. Mathematics 122, 201, 223, 251, 261.
  4. Mathematics 311 or 321.
  5. Economics 486 or Mathematics 485 and 486. Senior projects must have a faculty reader from both departments. The final presentation of the senior project must be made in the Senior Seminars of both departments. Students taking Math 485 and 486 are encouraged to take Math 386 (Junior Seminar) in the spring semester of their junior year.

Qualified students wishing to pursue Honors can do so by fulfilling the requirements of the interdisciplinary major and of the Honors Tutorial in either department.

Mathematics and economics majors seeking admission to graduate programs in economics, operations research, statistics, or mathematical finance are advised to also take Mathematics 312, Mathematics 431, Computer Science 141, Computer Science 142, and possibly Business 351.