Published on Rhodes College: Rhodes Catalogue (

Requirements for a Minor in Urban Studies

A total of 24 credits as follows:

  1. Introduction to Urban Studies (Urban Studies 201)
  2. One 4 credit course that has a community-engagement component from the following list:
    1. Justice in the City: Nonprofits, Community and Social Change (URBN 340)
    2. Community Psychology (PSYC 330)
    3. Community Development & Action (URBN 350)
    4. Into to Urban Planning and Design (URBN 310)
    5. (other courses may fulfill this requirement, and will require permission of the Chair of Urban Studies)
  3. Four courses selected from the Urban Studies Curriculum (including Urban Studies major requirements and electives.) Courses in the Urban Studies Major and Urban Studies Electives that are regularly offered are listed under the major. Urban Studies elective courses may be added during the school year, including topics courses as appropriate. During registration, check Banner Web or the Urban Studies Program office for a complete list of Urban Studies electives. Other courses may be used to fulfill the minor requirement provided the courses: 1) contain an urban institutional or urban issues focus, and 2) are approved for minor credit by the Chair of Urban Studies.

** Four of the courses in the minor must come from fields outside of one’s major. 

** One course in the minor must be taken at the 300 or 400 level.

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