Music and Psychology
A total of 16 courses (64 credits) as follows:
- Music Courses (6 courses, 8 performance credits = Two (2) 4-credit courses):
a. Theory & Musicianship:- MUSC 204: Understanding Musicianship [F5]*
- Two (2) 300-level music theory courses (306-313)
*If placement test determines this course is redundant, choose three 300-level music theory courses.
b. History & Literature: One (1) course from:
MUSC 227: Western Art Music I [F3] OR MUSC 228: Western Art Music II [F3]
c. Performance:
Four (4) semesters of large ensembles (MUSC 181-184, 190-194 = 1 credit each)
Four (4) semesters of applied lessons (MUSC 160-180 = 1 credit each)
d. Electives: Two (2) 4-credit courses
1. One (1) music cognition/therapy topic course (MUSC 140-149 or MUSC 340-349)
2. Other courses should be selected from the following recommended list: MUSC 103, 117-119, 130, 222, 227-228, 306, 310, or 414
NOTE: Fine Arts Scholarship waivers for Applied Music fees are outlined in the award letter which supersedes music major and minor fee waivers.
2. Psychology Courses (7 courses):
a. Foundational Psychology Courses:
PSYC 150: Foundational Issues in Psychology [F8]
PSYC 200: Research Methods and Statistics (Sophomore year)
PSYC 211: Statistical Methods [F6] (Sophomore year)
b. Perception: PSYC 216
c. Advanced Research Methods: One (1) course from PSYC 350-353 (Junior year)
d. Two other courses chosen from one concentration:
PSYC 306: Language and Communication
PSYC 327: Cognitive Processes
PSYC 345: Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYC 451-452: Research Practicum (4 credits)
NEURO 270: Neuroscience
NEURO 318: Neuroscience of Brain Disorders
PSYC 220: Psychology of Health
PSYC 222: Educational Psychology
PSYC 224: Psychological Disorders
PSYC 229: Developmental Psychology: Infant and Childhood [F11]
PSYC 230: Adolescent Development
PSYC 311: Counseling Psychology
PSYC 326: Learning and Motivation
3. Senior Experience (4 credits)
Either MUSC 485-486 or PSYC 485 as recommended by advisor and topic availability. The culminating Senior Seminar research project is required to integrate the fields of Music and Psychology.
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