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Psychology: Faculty and Staff


Natalie Person. 1994. B.A., University of Mississippi; Ph.D., University of Memphis. (Cognitive; learning technologies; educational psychology.)

Elizabeth Thomas. 2011. B.A., Georgetown University, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (Urban Studies; community psychology; psychology and the arts.)

Katherine White. 2009. B.A., Rhodes College; Ph.D., University of Florida. (Cognitive; language and memory; cognitive aging.)

Associate Professors

Jason Haberman. 2014. B.A., University of Miami; M.A. and Ph.D., University of California - Davis. (Neuroscience: visual psychophysics; object recognition, ensemble perception.)

Kiren Khan. 2017. A.B., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University. (Developmental Psychology; narrative development in young children.)

Rebecca Klatzkin. 2011. B.S., University of Richmond; Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. (Behavioral neuroscience: stress; eating behavior; binge eating disorder.)

Geoffrey Maddox. 2013. B.A., University of Missouri; M.A., Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis. (Cognitive: Aging and development.)

Matthew Weeks. 2001. B.A., Kentucky Wesleyan College; Ph.D., University of Memphis. (Social; social cognition; stereotyping.)

Assistant Professors

Amanda Hasselle. 2021. B.A., Trinity University; M.S., PhD., University of Memphis. (Clinical: Child and Family Studies)

Katherine (Kailey) Lawson. 2022. B.A., Pomona College; M.A., Ph.D., University of California - Davis (Social-Personality: nature, development, and assessment of personality traits) 

Laura Shanahan. 2022. B.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison; Ph.D., Northwestern University. (Neuroscience: cognitive neuroscience, sleep, sensory systems).


Anjeanette Tiamiyu. Departmental Assistant.

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