Academic Regulations

Academic Standing

A minimum grade of C is required to receive credit for a course in the M.A. in Urban Education Program. All graduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 to remain in good academic standing. A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. A student placed on academic probation must earn a GPA of 3.0 the following semester; failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program.

A student cannot earn a grade lower than a B in the following two courses: EDUC 560 Methods-centric Field Experiences and EDUC 660 Clinical Practice (Student Teaching). Students who earn lower than a B in either of these two courses must repeat the course in order to earn a degree and receive licensure. For all other courses, if a student earns a grade lower than a C, the student must repeat the course with the next cohort of students. Repeating any course will delay receiving licensure and the conferring of the degree.


Attendance Policy

Students are required to attend every class meeting. In recognition of the fact that illness and emergencies occur, students are allowed one absence during the summer term without impact on their grade. After the second absence the participation score will drop to half. After the third absence a student will receive a zero for the participation score. Four absences will result in an automatic failure of the course. In the event of exceptional circumstances, a student who has had four absences in a single course can request a hearing with the program faculty to consider granting a waiver of this policy. Absences for religious observances are excluded from this policy. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to notify the instructor as soon as you know and obtain notes or other information from fellow students. 


Transfer Credit

Due to the nature of the program's cohort model, no transfer credit is accepted.