SPAN 302 Advanced Spanish Language and Culture

Spring, Fall

A study of rich, complex aspects of the Spanish language with emphasis on the four skills of speaking, understanding spoken Spanish, writing, and reading. Special attention is given to the idiomatic character of the language. Each section focuses on a specific field of study, social and cultural context, and/or current events. Aural comprehension and oral production are stressed in 301; composition is stressed in 302, a writing intensive course. These courses need not be taken in sequence. While students may take both courses, either one will satisfy a minor/major requirement and act as a prerequisite for more advanced courses. Students who have previously taken Spanish 305 or Spanish 309 have in most cases already gained the competencies stressed in 301 and should enroll in 302 if they need a course at this level. Spanish 301 and 302 are intended to be taken early in the minor or major; for this reason Senior minors and majors may not enroll in these courses without the instructor's permission.


Degree Requirements

Teaching/Learning Elective
