Academic Advising and Support

Academic Advising

The mission of academic advising at Rhodes is to promote student learning. Each entering student is assigned an academic advisor, who will function in that capacity until the student formally declares a major. Major declaration must be done prior to the registration period of the student's spring semester of their sophomore year. At that point, a faculty advisor from the major department is either selected by or assigned to the student.

Assisted by the academic advisor, the student learns:

  • To understand the nature of a liberal arts education.
  • To assess their strengths, challenges, and areas for growth.
  • To formulate educational and career goals.
  • To plan a course of action to achieve those goals.

Student Success Resources 

The Student Success staff's mission is to support a student's personal growth and academic development and serve as a resource to all members of the Rhodes community. Staff members on the Student Success Team meet with students who need academic encouragement, mentoring, and individualized support.

  • The Office of Academic and Learning Resources provides individual assistance, workshops, and peer programs focused on learning and time management to help students develop personal and academic strategies. Peer Academic Coaching helps students set goals, create schedules, and develop academic habits. Supplemental Instruction facilitates regular, weekly group study sessions to integrate how-to-learn with what-to-learn for typically challenging classes. Peer Tutoring helps students to better understand course content.
  • ADHD/Executive Function Coaching is available to all students, with no diagnosis required. Laser Coaching consists of free group coaching sessions focused on planning and prioritizing each week. Private one-on-one weekly coaching is also available for an additional fee. Students and families can schedule a free consultation to learn how ADHD Coaching may fit their student's individual needs.
  • The Office of Student Accessibility Services provides reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids on a case-by-case basis for qualified students who have a demonstrated need for these services under the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended. Accommodations are designed to meet student needs without fundamentally altering the nature of the College’s instructional programs. All accommodation requests are the responsibility of the student. Prospective students with disability access concerns should contact the Office of Admission. Enrolled students with disabilities should contact Student Accessibility Services to request accommodations and to discuss specific barriers to inclusion.
  • The Office of Student Outreach & Support supports students as they face personal or medical challenges impacting their ability to be successful students. Support is tailored to the individual student’s needs. Support may include help determining and evaluating options and decisions, connecting to referral resources, and navigating college processes and policies.

Career Advising

The Career Services staff assists students in evaluating majors, exploring career fields, and preparing for post-graduation plans. Students are encouraged to schedule a meeting with a Career Services staff member as early as their first year to take advantage of career advising, internships, and programs that will lead to future success.  

Each year, approximately 66% of graduates will go into full-time careers (including full-time volunteer programs such as the Peace Corps) and approximately 29% will seek an additional degree. Career Services offers opportunities to engage with employers and graduate school representatives through programs including Meet the Firms, Graduate School Expo, Fall and Spring Career Fairs, and other networking opportunities. 

Preparation for Graduate Study

Approximately 29% of Rhodes students will enroll in a graduate or professional degree program within a year of graduation. Students can increase their marketability for graduate school by prioritizing academic study, participating in academic research, completing internships, and/or engaging in leadership and service positions. 

The Rhodes liberal arts curriculum provides students with a solid foundation for future study. As students begin to enter their sophomore or junior year, they should identify faculty members who can assist with course selection and other academic opportunities to ensure that students have the background needed to pursue an advanced degree. It is important to note that some graduate degrees will require specific courses to be considered for admission while other graduate programs will consider a wide breadth of upper-level coursework to be more appealing. Students should consult with their faculty advisor for guidance on the type of courses that would be most relevant for an advanced degree in their chosen field of study. In addition to faculty advisors, the Career Services staff also serves as a resource for students by aiding with graduate school essays and interviews. 

In addition to the programs and services offered by Career Services, students can seek pre-professional advisement from designated faculty advisors. In some cases, very specific recommendations for pre-professional courses have been developed: Medicine and the Health Sciences, Business, and Law. The advisors named below have this information and should be consulted early in one’s undergraduate work. 

Pre-Professional Advisors

  • Accounting: Professor Wendy Bailey
  • Architecture: Professor David McCarthy
  • Business:
    • Accounting: Professor Wendy Bailey
    • Finance: Professor Jade Planchon
    • Management: Professor Dee Birnbaum
    • Marketing: Professor Sujan Dan
  • Civil Service: Professor Stephen Ceccoli
  • Clinical Psychology: Professor Katie White
  • Education: Professor Zachary Casey
  • Engineering: Professor Ann Viano
  • Foreign Service: Professor Stephen Ceccoli
  • Health Care Management: Professor Dee Birnbaum
  • Health Professions: Director Jessica Kelso
  • Law: Professor Anna Eldridge
  • Ministry and Church-Related Professions: Professor Stephen Haynes and Chaplain Beatrix Weil
  • Museum Curation: Professor Victor Coonin and Professor David McCarthy
  • Music: Professor Courtenay Harter
  • Theatre: Professor Joy Fairfield
  • Veterinary Medicine: Director Jessica Kelso