
  1. Required Mathematics and Computer Science courses (24 credits):
    • MATH 122 (Integral Calculus) + 251 (Differential Equations)
    • MATH 211 (Intro Statistical Methods & Applications)
    • COMP 141 (Computer Science I: Programming Fundamentals)
    • MATH 214 (Discrete Math Modeling with Biological Applications)
    • MATH 315 (Continuous Math Modeling with Biological Applications)
  2. Required Biology courses (14 credits):
    • BIOL 130, 131L, 140, 141L (Intro Bio Sequence)
    • One of the following courses:
      • BIOL 300 + 300L (Evolution)
      • BIOL 304 + 304L (Genetics)
      • BIOL 305 + 305L (Population Genomics)
      • BIOL 315 + 315L (Ecology)
      • BIOL 316 + 316L (Freshwater Ecology)
      • BIOL 348 + 348L (Wildlife Biology)
  3. Math Electives (8 credits): Select 2 courses from the following list in consultation with the advisor (at least one at the 300 or 400 level):
    • MATH 201 (Transition to Advanced Math)
    • MATH 223 (Multivariable Calculus)
    • MATH 261 (Linear Algebra)
    • MATH 305 (Probability & Simulation)
    • MATH 311 (Probability Theory)
    • MATH 312 (Math Statistics)
    • MATH 314 (Agent-Based Modeling)
    • MATH 321 (Real Analysis)
    • MATH 324 (Vector and Advanced Calculus)
    • MATH 335 (Stochastic Processes)
    • MATH 352 (Partial Differential Equations)
    • MATH 465 (Special Topics when appropriate)
    • COMP 142 (Computer Science II: Object-Oriented Programming)
    • MATH 451-452 (Math Research), total of 4 credits
  4. Biology Electives (14 credits): Select 3 courses from the following list in consultation with the advisor (2 must have a lab):
    • Biology courses at the 200 or 300 level
    • BIOL 307 (Cell Biology) may combine with BMB 310 (Methods in Cell Biology and Biochemistry) to satisfy a lab elective
    • BIOL 309 (Science of Climate Change) or BIOL 312 (Environmental Issues: South Africa) may combine with BIOL 314 (Environmental Field Study: Namibia) to satisfy a lab elective
    • CHEM 315 (Biochemistry) may combine with BMB 310 (Methods in Cell Biology and Biochemistry) to satisfy a lab elective
    • CHEM 416 (Mechanisms of Drug Action)
    • NEUR 270 (Neuroscience) may combine with NUER 350 (Neuroscience Research Methods) to satisfy a lab elective
  5. Senior Research (4 credits): Students will complete a capstone research project in which they use mathematical, computational, and statistical methods to model biological phenomenon. Each student will take four credits of seminar, one credit in the spring of their junior year, and three credits in their senior year (all in one semester or divided between fall and spring semesters).
    • One credit of MATH 386 (Junior Sem) or MATH 451/452; or Participation in Research Fellowships/St. Jude Summer Plus program for at least two terms before their junior spring semester.
    • Three credits of MATH 485, 486 (Senior Seminar)

Recommended Courses:

  • If considering grad school in Ecology it is strongly recommended that students take BIOL 315, COMP 142, and MATH 305.
  • If considering grad school in Mathematics, Biomathematics, or Mathematical Ecology it is strongly recommended that students take MATH 201, 261, and 321.
  • PHYSC 111 + 113L (Fundamentals in Physics I) as appropriate to career goals
  • Some classes that may be of interest:
    • ECON 407 (Game Theory)
    • HIST 105 (Special Topics: Disease & Epidemics) F2i, F3
    • HIST 270 (Global Environmental History) F3, F11
    • HIST 307 (Nature & War) F3
    • INTS 340, 341 (Global Ecopolitics, Comparative Ecopolitics) F8
    • PHIL 230 (Environmental Ethics)
    • PHIL 303 (Medical Ethics) F1