Political Science and International Studies

A total of 14-15 courses (56-60 credits) as follows:


1. International Studies: 110, 120, 201, and three additional courses at 200-level or above. At least one 4-credit course should be selected from Area A - Global Leadership, and at least one 4-credit course should be selected from Area B - Regional Leadership.


2. Politics and Law: PLAW 151; PLAW 340 or 360; another 300 level course from among the following courses in American politics and policy (301, 305, 308, 318, 319, 320, 321, 330, 340, 360, 370); one of the following courses in political theory (212, 214, 218, 230, 314); one additional course at the 200 level or above. (PLAW 262,263, 264, do not count toward the Political Science and International Studies Interdisciplinary major.)


3. Economics 100 or International Studies 311.


4. International Studies 301 or PLAW 270.


5. International Studies 485 or PLAW 485.


6. An appropriate foreign language through completion of the second year (202) or demonstrated proficiency through the 202 level as indicated by an appropriate proficiency test.