Requirements for Certification by the American Chemical Society

  1. Chemistry Courses:

    Foundations of Chemistry + lab: Chem 120/125L

    Organic Chemistry I:  Chem 211

    Organic Chemistry II + lab: Chem 212/212L

    Analytical Chemistry + lab: Chem 240/240L

    Physical Chemistry + lab:  Chem 311/312L

    Biochemistry:  Chem 315

    Inorganic Chemistry + lab:  Chem 408/408L

    Advanced Biochemistry: Chem 415.

    At least 2 additional courses from the following list:  Computational Protein Design and Engineering (325) Advanced Analytical Chemistry (406), Medicinal Chemistry (411/411L), or Mechanisms of Drug Action (416). 


  2. Physics I & II:  109 -110 or 111-112; or 113L-114L.
  3. Mathematics 122. Students can start in 112 and then take 122.
  4. At least four credits of research (Chemistry 451 and/or 452).

A total of 61-62 credits. 

This major track may be of interest to students interested in attending graduate school or employment in chemistry related fields. The track is designed by the American Chemical Society (ACS) to provide students with lecture and laboratory experiences in the five foundational areas of chemistry (analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic and physical) in both breadth and depth.