Requirements for a Major in Chemistry Leading to the B.S. Degree

  1. Chemistry Courses:

    Foundations of Chemistry + lab:  Chem 120/125L

    Organic Chemistry I:   Chem 211

    Organic Chemistry II + lab:  Chem 212/212L

    Analytical Chemistry + lab:   Chem 240/240L

    Physical Chemistry + lab:   Chem 311/312L


  2. At least 3 additional chemistry courses from the following list: 

    Environmental Chemistry:  Chem 206

    Biochemistry:  Chem 315

    Computational Protein Design and Engineering:  Chem 325

    Advanced Analytical Chemistry:  Chem 406

    Inorganic Chemistry + lab:  Chem 408/408L

    Medicinal Chemistry + lab:  Chem 411/411L,

    Mechanisms of Drug Action:  Chem 416

    Advanced topic in Organic:  Chem 422

    Introduction to Research:  Chem 451-452 (total of four credits).


  3. Physics I & II; 109-110 or 111-112; 113L-114L.
  4. Mathematics 122. Students can start in 112 and then take 122.
  5. Chemistry 486 (Senior Seminar)

A total of 52 - 54 credits. 

Students interested in graduate school should consider taking the following courses: Chemistry 315, 406, 408/408L, and 451-452.